Why child labour Exists?
According to UNICEF there are several reasons[1] why the children intend to work rather attending school. One of the major reasons behind this is the poverty and children have no option other than work for their survivals. Child Labour is a huge concern for the developing countries because the government fails to provide the basic requirements for the children and a single earning member (as is the case in most of the third world countries) is not sufficient to support the whole family. Additionally, things are worse when the country is suffering from the population problem. Sometimes the children are forced to work when their parents die. Natural calamity like Tsunami, cyclone, flood may also drag children towards child labour.
[1] End Child Exploitation < http://www.unicef.org.uk/publications/pdf/ECECHILD2_A4.pdf> accessed 24thoctober 2010
Yes, i also agree with that.This is also the fact of our country.